Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Churches and Animals

Today Tull and I went exploring. The first place we visited was the Chebi Mosque - Mezquita de Cordoba in the Chebi sim. We also met the creator, Marino Nuvolari, who showed us around and invited us for a cup of tea in the nearby visitor centre. I was not very succesful at taking good pictures in the mosque.

But the evening was only just starting! The first unusual thing we saw when we left the visitor centre was a horse with wings. It looked like a build of remarkable quality, so we clicked it to find out who built it. That turned out to be Julia Hathor.

We also found a beautiful little chapel that was built by Marino Nuvolari too. There was a tower next to it and we both tried to climb the stairs to the top. Climbing those steps was not very easy and I think we both cheated a little, but we did reach the top.

We decided to check out Julia's picks. If she can make such a nice horse, maybe she does other animals as well. After some boating and a musical intermezzo we moved on... We were trying to find a camel!

We found many animals and also another nice chapel. We saw donkeys, panthers, chamois, a unicorn, rabbits, wolves etcetera etcetera. But no camel!

We ended up in a pet shop. This had the advantage we did not have to explore to find the animals. They were neatly laid out on shelves along the walls. It was full of cats and dogs, even a T-rex was available. But still no camel! Maybe I will have to build a camel for Tull myself...

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