Tuesday, May 12, 2009

SionEgg Wrapping System

I am in the egg business nowadays. I run a few farms and eggs keep rolling into my inventory. Some nice colors too! I Want to sell them, but... Have you noticed all these eggs look THE SAME in your inventory? What a mess!

And the eggs are no-modify, so you cannot give them descriptive names.
The only solution is to put them in boxes you can modify.
Best would be to put the color code and the color name into the name of the box.
If only that wasn't so much work... :(

Here comes our Egg Wrapping system to rescue you!

Use the system as follows:

1: Rez an egg from your inventory.
(By dragging it to the floor.)
2: Click it and read the color code that appears.
3: Click the Wrapping System. (Two boxes will now appear.)
4: Say the 6-digit color code of the egg you just rezzed.
(Both boxes now get that color and the color code and name will appear above them.)
5: Drag the egg from you inventory (while holding ) to the box that is next to the "Copy" arrow on top of the system.
(The text "(fp)" will now be added to the name above the box.)
6: Change the permissions for the next owner on the egg in your inventory.
(By right clicking it, selecting properties and removing the tick-mark in the Copy box.)
7: Drag the egg from your inventory (while holding ) to the box that is next to the "Non-copy" arrow on top of the system.
(The text "(to sell)" will now be added to the name above the box.)
8: Delete the egg from your inventory.
9: Delete the egg you rezzed on the floor.
10: Take both the boxes that have been rezzed into your inventory.

Done! Your egg has been wrapped!

The boxes check the permission on your eggs, so you cannot wrap an egg with the wrong permissions by mistake.
The color names are filled in automatically from a database of more than 1500 colors.
The color code is displayed both in percentage (00...99%) and in HEXadecimal code (00...FF).
Percentage, hex code, name and permissions are saved in the object name AND displayed in hovertext above the boxes.
The boxes get the same color as the egg inside them.

[This product is no longer for sale due to the transition to V11 sionChickens]

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